![A Balanced Canadian Energy Strategy Emerges [finally]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/465fd4_e3d50510e8d44990be2228d457cf391d.jpeg/v1/fill/w_318,h_159,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/465fd4_e3d50510e8d44990be2228d457cf391d.webp)
A Balanced Canadian Energy Strategy Emerges [finally]
Today at the Council of the Federation, the first ministers agreed to a joint declaration embodied in a new Canadian Energy Strategy. It...

Alberta's Two Step Climate Shuffle
Post published in Globe and Mail June 26, 2015 Alberta has reset its climate policy. Provincial Environment Minister Shannon Phillips...

Low prices and rising global political will are shifting future of the oil sands
Originally printed in the Globe and Mail June 20, 2015 One can hardly blame oil sands investors for discounting the carbon rhetoric that...

Conflating revealed political will with Canada’s new 2030 target
There has been a loud chorus condemning Canada's "weak" INDC. I think many are conflating Canada’s revealed political will to act on...

Another Climate Plan Too Far? Canada Releases its post-2020 GHG Ambition
Today, Canada published its proposed greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction plan for the Paris Conference of the Parties to be held in November...

Ontario’s 2030 target: A Cold Shower with Some FlexMex?
Ontario has just announced an interim GHG target laying out it's aspirational emission reduction pathway to 2050. Keying off a 1990...

A grand bargain for Alberta?
Originally published in Policy Options, May 8, 2015 Rachel Notley’s first thought when she realized she had been elected premier must...

Briefing to the PM on achieving Copenhagen, ramping up ambition post-2020 and not hurting hard worki
Prime Minister, The UN’s timeline requires Canada to submit a post-2020 GHG target before the end of June. With the first step in our...

The Benefits of Climate Action to Hard Working Canadian Families
A happy Earth Day to you. It seems every dollar of analytical effort and climate lobbying is now focused on shouting “price carbon”....

The Cost and GHG Implications of WCI Cap and Trade in Ontario
Ontario is going cap and trade. Now is therefore a good time to put into the public domain some initial results on the cost and GHG...